Selection Criteria

The following process will apply in the evaluation and selection of the applicants. Eligibility check for TG1 will be conducted by the home/sending HEI while that of TG2 will be conducted by the SCIFSA Secretariat. The criteria for eligibility will include:

  1. Proof that the candidate is from a legible country
  2. The candidate fulfills the Target Group requirements
  3. The application deadline is respected
  4. The right application form is used
  5. All required supporting documents are provided and are legible
  6. The application is in English

    Weighting for Applications


    Maximum Points

    Good Academic record


    Quality of the Motivation Letter


    Being an academic staff/research fellow of the university or has potential to be hired by the university during or after the program /priority


    Having work experience related to discipline that is being applied for


    Evidence of academic growth (e.g presentation of a paper at a conference, publication etc)


    Relevance of  previous academic qualifications to the program applied for


    Evidence of leadership quality and service to society (certification)


    Affirmative action for female  candidates or candidates with disability










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