Requirements for PhD Seed Science

Admission of students: Candidates must satisfy the minimum requirements for admission into a PhD programme in the University of Eldoret including holding a relevant MSc Degree in plant sciences. The Application for Admission should be accompanied with a Concept Note.
Type of the programme: The PhD (Seed Science) is constituted by course work and research leading to writing a thesis and accommodates both full-time and part-time students. The students are examined by CATs, Assignments (constituting 40%) and Examination (constituting 60%). The minimum duration is 36 months and the maximum is 5 years.
Guidance: A set of Supervisors is established for each candidate to set acceptable standards for the doctoral programme, and serve as the students advisory and performance assessment committee. The committee undertakes to monitor the student’s progress throughout the study period on behalf of the Directorate of Postgraduate studies, which operates through an advisory committee of chairs of postgraduate committees in the Schools.

Year I
Semester I: all students are expected to take three core courses (including Seminars and Research Proposal Development) and at least one elective course

Core courses: Advances in Seed Science, Advanced Statistical Methods and Computer Applications, Research Proposal Development (4) and Seminars (2) (Total of 15 credit Units).

Elective Courses: Applied Plant Biotechnology, Plant Breeding, Plant Genetic Resources, Use and Policy, Seed Health Management, Seed Production, Regulation and Policies, Seed Production of Horticultural Crops, Seed Production of Agro-forest and forest trees. These are taken 1 in semester I and 2 in semester II                        

Semester II: all students are expected to take three core courses and two elective course (Total 15 credit Units)
Core courses:  Advances in Seed Production and Agricultural Development, Seed Systems Development, Regulations and Governance, Research Proposal Development and Seminars (Total 9 Credit Units)

Year II and III
The students are expected to work on their theses (Total 15 Credit Units)
Students are required to obtain a minimum score of 50% in each course to pass, with course work contributing 


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