Admission of students: Candidates must satisfy all minimum requirements for admission into a PhD programme in Makerere University including holding a relevant MSc Degree in plant sciences.
Type of the programme: The PhD (Plant Breeding and Biotechnology) is constituted by course work and research leading to writing a thesis and accommodates both full-time and part-time students. The minimum duration is 36 months and the maximum is 7 years. PhD qualification examinations: All students are required to sit and pass an oral and written PhD candidature exam to be considered PhD students.
Guidance: A doctoral committee is established for each candidate to set acceptable standards for the doctoral programme, and serve as the students advisory and performance assessment committee. The committee undertakes to monitor the student’s progress throughout the study period on behalf of the University Higher Degrees and Research Committee.
Year I
Semester I: all students are expected to take four core courses and at least two elective course
Core courses: Applied Plant Breeding, Advanced Molecular Biology and Genetics, Applied Agricultural Statistics and Research Methods and Advanced Plant Breeding (Total of 17 credit Units).
Elective Courses include: Agronomy and Crop Physiology, Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, Sustainable Seed Systems and Personal Development and Soft skills
Semester II: all students are expected to take three core courses and at least two elective course
Core courses: Agricultural and Food Marketing, Programme Planning and Management and Applied Molecular Biology and In Vitro Techniques (Total 13 Credit Units) Elective Courses include: Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, Advanced Insect Pest Management Systems, Disease Management and Crop Loss Assessment, Quantitative and Biometrical Genetics and Soil- Plant- Atmosphere relations.
Year II and III
The students are expected to work on their theses (Total 10 Credit Units)
Students are required to obtain a minimum score of 50% in each course to pass, with course work contributing 40% of the score and final examinations and practical 60%. The final grading is based on a Grade Point Average System.
The student should demonstrate ability to: o Comprehend and evaluate new technologies in relation to existing knowledge
o Transfer principles and results from basic and strategic sciences to the development of ideas and processes.
o Evaluate methods for solving complex development problems
o Expand principles from basic science to organize experiments and solve problems
o Analyze and comprehend existing knowledge and to transfer knowledge to develop hypotheses and evaluate their usefulness in the context of farming problems
o Formulate ethical problems and clearly communicate possible solutions
• An understanding of all aspects of biotechnology related to crop improvement and management
• Competence to design, experiment and develop new crop varieties
• An awareness of attitudes to emerging scientific innovations and the ability to advise policy development for the greater benefit of society.
• Personal mastery and soft skills to innovate change efficiently and work with communities and other actors.
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