Requirements for MSc Vegetable Crops

Admission of students: To qualify for admission into MSc Vegetable Crop programme in Cairo University, a candidate must hold a BSc degree in Agronomy or relevant field (such as Crop Science, Plant Production etc.) with minimum of " Good "in general" and Very Good in related courses with no more than 5 years from graduation.

Type of the programme: The MSc Vegetable Crop is by course work and research (thesis). The programme takes both full-time and part-time students. The minimum duration is 24 months (2 years) and the maximum is 48 months (4 years).

MSc credit hours: The minimum credit hours from MSc Vegetable Crop is 39 hours including 27 hours of courses and 12 hours of thesis research. The students are expected to take 18 hours of general requirements (obligatory courses) and 9 elective courses. The elective credits consist of 3 hours from Department and other 6 hours from outside the department (from the Faculty of Agriculture or University in general).

Students are required to obtain a minimum score of 60% in each course to pass, with course work contributing 40% of the score and final examinations and practical 60%. The final grading are Excellent (≤90%), Very Good (80-90%), Good (70-80%) and Pass (60-70%).
Each student is expected to work on his/her thesis (Total 12 Credit Units) during the course of study and should present results in General Seminar.


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