Requirements for Msc Seed Science and Technology

The degree of Master of Science in Seed Science and Technology shall be awarded to a candidate who satisfies two conditions
(a) An accumulated minimum of 50 units and (b) A successful defence of an original thesis.
Of these courses Twelve are core courses (Totalling 33 Credit Units) and are compulsory. One additional course is chosen from the list of elective courses depending on the candidate’s field of research interest (Totalling 2 Credit Units).  Courses considered relevant and beneficial to the candidate may be selected outside the Department as electives. All course work must be completed during the first two semesters.
Year 2 is reserved for research and thesis writing but additionally students are periodically invited to give Technical Reports on their progress in the form of Seminars. All Students are expected to attend School of Agricultural and Biotechnology scientific activities. The courses and their sequencing is to enable the students acquire and apply the technical skills and be able to operate successfully within the seed industry/seed sub-sector. 

Year I
In semester I: all students are expected to take Six core courses including Seminars and proposal development
Core courses:  Plant Breeding, Molecular Biology, Seed Physiology I, Seed Production, Regulation and Policies, Statistical Methods, Field Experimentation and Computer Applications,   Seminars and Proposal Development (Total of 17 Units).
In semester II: All students are expected to take Six core courses and One elective course
Core courses: Plant Genetic Resource use and Policy, Seed Physiology II, Seed Health Management, Seed Processing and Storage,   Soil Fertility and Evaluation,  Seminars and Proposal Development, (Total 16 Credit Units)
Elective Courses include:  Advanced Weed Science and Management, Seed Production of Horticultural crops, Seed Production of Beverage, Medicinal and Tree Crops, Advanced Crop Modelling, Agricultural Extension, Agribusiness Management and Seed Marketing, Plant Nutrition. The students select any of these courses which carry 2 Units. 

Year II 
The students are expected to work on their theses (Total 15 Credit Units)
The program will consist of theory and practical in seed science and the current seed technologies used in seed production, seed processing and seed quality control. The Master of Science Program shall normally be by course work, examination and thesis extending over a period of two years distributed over four semesters of full time attendance or a maximum of four years of part-time attendance from the date of registration.
Students are required to obtain a minimum score of 50% in each course to pass, with Assignments, Laboratory Practical and CATs contributing 40% of the score and final examinations 60%. 


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