Year I
Semester I: all students are expected to take four core courses and at least two elective course
Core courses: Applied Agricultural Statistics and Biometry, Principles of Cultivar Development, Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Practical Plant Breeding Methods (Total of 10 credit Units).
Elective Courses: Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources, Plant Ecology and Evolution, Principles of Populations and Evolutionary Biology, Agribusiness Management, Social Research Methods (Total of 5 Credits Units)
Semester II: all students are expected to take three core courses and at least two elective course
Core courses: Graduate Seminars and Research Implementation skills, Quantitative and Biometrical Genetics, Bio-policy, Bio-safety and Bio-ethics and Seed Science and Seed Systems (Total 10 Credit Units)
Elective Courses include: Agricultural Marketing and Management, Crop Pest Ecology and Management, Disease Management and Epidemiology, Environmental Impact Assessment and Programme Planning and Management (Total 5 Credit Units)
Year II
The students are expected to work on their theses (Total 10 Credit Units)
Students are required to obtain a minimum score of 50% in each course to pass, with course work contributing 40% of the score and final examinations and practical 60%. The final grading is based on a Grade Point Average System
Year 2 is reserved for research and thesis writing. All Students will be required to attend School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences scientific activities.
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