Requirements Masters in Plant and Microbial Biotechnology

The Master program in Plant and Microbial Biotechnology (BIOVEM) was launched during the 2006/07 academic year and has started with the first promotion during the 2008/09 academic year.
This Master welcomes every year students come from all over Africa and in particular the sub-region. It will involve largely faculty of UCAD for theoretical and practical

Admission of students: Candidates must satisfy all minimum requirements for admission into a MSc Plant and Microbial Biotechnology including holding a relevant BSc Degree in plant sciences or related fields.
Type of the programme: The MSc (Plant and Microbial Biotechnology) is constituted by course work and thesis. The minimum duration is 24 months.

Structures: Master 1: Semester 1 and 2; Master 2: Semester 3 and 4.
M1BOVEM01 : Data analysis 
M1BOVEM02 : Business management
M1BOVEM03 : Quality management
M1BOVEM04 :  Communication 
M1BOVEM05 :   Bibliographic research and Scientific writing
M1BOVEM06 : In vitro culture techniques
M1BOVEM07 : Plant breeding I
M1BOVEM08 : Microorganisms and Plants Interactions
M1BOVEM09 : Agri-Food Biotechnology 
M1BOVEM10 : Knowledge and evolution of the genome
M2BOVEM11 : Microbial Biotechnology
M2BOVEM12 : Plant breeding II
M2BOVEM13 :  Genomics and genetics of populations
M2BOVEM14 : Field Work
M2BOVEM15 : Thesis writing and defence

standard tests
Extended written responses
Performance assessment
Personal communication



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